Monday, June 20, 2005

Wild, Wild Wally World

I hate Wal-Mart.

Thus has been my stance for a long time. Today, however, it was the best option for buying day camp supplies in one trip. I trekked to the nearest Supercenter in Plymouth and girded myself for the experience.

It was rather odd.

Entering Wal-mart should require a passport as it almost its own independent nation with its own unique customs and religion (that stupid happy face...). I had trouble finding any order to the profusion of stuff in the store. List in hand I braved the aisles upon aisles seeking the goods I needed. One place I found in the store that I don't think Meijer has is the craft area--all you could ever need to scrapbook and create craft projects to clutter your home and the homes of those you love (or just downright don't like). The other item that was oddly missing was the ubiquitious (or so I thought) minature toy animals or soldiers--needed for the make-your-own snowglobe craft. Otherwise I was successful in obtaining the items I was sent to recover. As I walked out the door and was thanked for visiting I realized that I may have to return. Guess I should get my passport.

In other news, the Pistons game was certainly worth watching last night. Too bad they lost. It will take a minor miracle for them to win the series now. They are more than capable of it, but the Spurs are good and they will be at home. This should make for an interesting game tomorrow night. I have to agree with Barry that the only song that should be sung before a sporting event is the national anthem. It should also be sung by someone talented in that type of singing--not Kid Rock. Aren't there better choices in Detroit?

Another movie to see: Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Also on last week's viewing list it certainly was entertaining. Lots of gunfire and humor as well as Angelina in some nice outfits. The plot certainly was not all that deep but at least held together throughout the movie. Vince Vaughn's cameo is great. I give it 3 stars (out of four). Next week: War of the Worlds (June 29).


Blogger Jake said...

Yeah, I saw Kingdom of Heaven. I thought it was pretty good, but it was certainly no Gladiator.


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