Wednesday, June 01, 2005

So a Padawan Learner Have I

My journey as Yoda (or Master Splinter as it may be) began today with my new associate starting. (No, I will not be wearing my well-known blanket cloak of Fellowship fame while I teach although I may try it just for grins.) Thus far he really only had a short time with me (as an employee) after spending the vast majority of the day being inprocessed at the Appleton office. I did realize today while going over what I needed to teach him that there is a lot to know in this job. Coming from a Scouting background and a lot of experience beyond the unit level gave me a fighting chance at hitting the ground running, but for a guy with no Scouting background there is an avalanche of stuff hitting him now that he knows he will learn. It really is like training to be a Jedi, not that I or anyone else would know but its gotta be close.

My challenge will be how to select an order to convey it in and a method that will help him learn the material short of the line of fire or classroom teaching. It certainly will take work, but at least it is work that I really enjoy and have not had the opportunity to really do since leaving the theatre. The added bonus is having a willing student.

I wish that I could say I have been motivated to do a lot of other things for work. Alas, spring fever has hit. It was sunny and over 70 today. I couldn't resist a walk to the Lake again and then had trouble focusing. The other great discovery was that my cordless phone will work at the apartment pool...if only it worked at the Lake. I see a new place to work over the summer in my best Hawaiian shirts and board trunks. Apartment pools are not, of course, to swim in as they are so full of chlorine that the dirtiest child comes out sparkling clean. That (children) being the other reason not to use the pool. The upside is that pools are great attractants for people of the attractive single female type. (I can always hope anyways.)

Anyways, I am guessing that having a new employee to keep ahead of and busy will be re-energizing (unlike the holiday weekend...).

If anyone is looking for a new job...Bus Driver. Not a job that I want, but maybe some would enjoy it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

if only you watched cnn still you would have seen why bus drivers are in short supply. there is a video of one kicking the shit out of a kid. its kinda funny.


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