Basketball to the Blues
GO PISTONS!!! After watching those first two disappointing Finals games I was beginning to think the pundits were right that the Pistons were destined to lose the series in 4 or 5 games. Not so, the last two games have been amazing. Game 3 actually had some competition to it, but last night in Game 4 it was like clubbing baby seals for the Pistons. I would like to see a game where both teams are playing at their best with a close final score, maybe even overtime. My guess is that it will be Game 6 when they return to San Antonio.
Thursday night at the Sky Box, where we Michiganders gather to watch the Pistons, is one of the nights they host a live band. Last night this meant that we got treated to watching the game to a live blues band. They were actually pretty good. It was very mellow to watch the Pistons trounce the Spurs with sweet blues playing as the soundtrack.
The music is certainly better than listening to sports commentators talk to hear the sound of their own voice. I am at a loss as to the purpose of sports commentators. If you are watching the game you likely have an idea of how it's played or are with someone who does and you don't need to be told what is going on. If I were an athlete I would be pissed to have somebody second guessing every move I made. I believe sports commentators are part of the same plague as the news media in the shift towards a reality controlled by media networks. Until they go away, the mute button is never far from reach.
On a completely different note, I began my subtle training in scheduling flexibility this week. On Monday this entailed a trip to Best Buy (a 45-minute jaunt to Milwaukee) and Borders to run errands that I had no desire to run on the weekend. While at Best Buy a storm hit so we were rather stuck wandering aroung there for almost an hour. Amazingly I escaped with my credit limit intact and untouched.
The far better team bonding was going to see Batman Begins. Knowing that we both had to work Wednesday night it was only logical that we go see the first show of the day as a break. The movie was definitely worth the time and $$. It was awesome. The plot had depth and was not all senseless violence and it has the darkness of the first Batman that was lacking in the sequels. My only nitpick is that a device that uses microwaves to turn a water source into steam would not leave humans intact and unharmed rather it would be like being microwaved which, last I checked, is bad for you. That won't ruin the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, go.
Beyond that, everything else is chugging along. Tune in soon for another installment.
i was also curious as to why the hell he didnt just turn the machine off instead of going through the hoops that he did to break it. apparently multi million, if not billion, dollar war-machines are not made to withstand any sort of impact. go figure.
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