Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Longest Day

Today officially marks my first over 12-hour day since transferring to Bay Lakes. We had our staff meeting today in New London. This is a two-hour drive from home on roads through farmland. Given the time it takes to get there I had to wake up at 6:30 to be out the door on time. As most people who know me know, that is not a time of day for being awake. Obviously I survived the trip.

As far as staff meetings go, today's was decent. Despite the fact that we are not likely to make our June 30 membership goal, the boss was not upset. If anything he was almost too calm. It seemed like he really believed that we are all doing our best (which is on the whole true) instead of acting like we were all slacking (see previous experiences elsewhere). We talked of money a lot, but once again in a positive fashion. The other nice part was that we were allowed to come dressed in casual clothes (shorts, etc.). After the meeting, the chief had us all over to his house for liquid refreshment. It was nice. Even though the meeting was good, it was still tiring since we actually had constructive discussions on several topics and left with lengthy to-do lists.

After returning home, I got to spend the evening working with Brian on divying up the remaining fundraising calls and putting an action plan together for calling them. Fun.

On a seperate note, it has been bloody hot here in Wisconsin. It has been in the mid-80's and humid for several days now and isn't supposed to break until Monday. Of course I will be at camp doing service projects this weekend in that sticky weather. I thought that this was the tundra... I can't complain too much because it is cooler here in Sheboygan than it is further inland where it has been in the upper 80's to 90. I am now running the AC just to keep it livable in my apartment when I am home.

Tomorrow night is Game 1 of the NBA Finals. GO PISTONS!!!!


Blogger xegbp said...

Hey Jake come on 80s! it has been in the 90s all week and will continue through the week-end and I do not have air. It is hot.


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