Friday, May 27, 2005

Not to be Out-Geeked

Given that I can only e-mail and call so many folks on a regular basis, I have decided to join the world of the blog. As a friend put it I wouldn't want to be out-geeked by people who didn't study engineering.

This blog is intended to answer the Eternal Question "How is Jake doing in Wisconsin?". As of now, I am doing just fine. I drive a lot and see many cows in my travels. Otherwise I am on the phone, usually leaving voice mails and awaiting return calls that don't seem to happen. Thankfully there is good hiking nearby so that I can avoid both cars and phones for a part of every weekend.

One question for the day though, do kids ever go to school anymore? I swear that they are out of school more often than not. I remember having a handful of regular vacations each year. Now it seems that anything can be a holiday from school and we wonder why American students don't test as well as others around the world.

The saga will continue...but now I must eat lunch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was your inspriation? Cool! Of course, I would have directed you toward LiveJournal, but whatever.

You think kids don't go to school in Wisconsin? New York schools went from Labor Day until the end of June. You Michigan punks had it sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fantastic. we could have a contest as to who can find the most pear-shaped people, and post their pictures on the internet.



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