Thursday, December 08, 2005

We're Havin' a Heat Wave

NOT! Oh my goodness, it's felt like freakin' February in Alaska the last few days. The high got to all of 10 the other day and was 3 below when I left that morning. That doesn't even begin to include the wind chill. I know it's Wisconsin, but this is way too early for that cold. It could be worse, I could be in Colorado or Montana I suppose. It is a balmy 30 outside right now and feels like shirt-sleeves weather.

Ed was home this weekend and really suffered having come in from 80 degree weather in Mexico. Kohler has a great policy for employees on temporary out of town assignments in terms of rental cars. Ed's choice for the weekend was a 2005 Mustang. It was pretty plain jane with a 6 in it and automatic tranny, but was still a lot of fun. When you turn the traction control and over drive off you can spin the tires no problem on dry pavement and even better in the snow. It handles well and isn't uncomfortable to sit in or drive. I'm told that the governor kicks in at about 110, but I wasn't there to see that.

The Lions suck. Oh wait, Garcia is the team's salvation. Sure. He can't even throw a decent pass. I thought the new coach was supposed to be decent. Joey has played better this year than Garcia, look at the stats. If they would start playing as a team it might help or even just throw the ball more than 10 yds. I should be used to this by now, but it's something to whine about. It's not even enough that the team sucks, but now the security has to go all jackbooted and assault a guy for his "Fire Millen" sign. They're lucky there wasn't a riot. This Sunday will be fun, Pop Warner style with Green Bay and Lions on Sunday Night football. At least there will be some good laughs.

Outside of the cold weather and fun with the Mustang and visiting with Ed, it's been pretty ho-hum around here. It's a typical December in the BSA, hurry up and wait on new unit projects and overdue membership. The days have been long, but the people are at least pleasant. A new phenomenon was getting my fundraising goal for '06, it was based on what happened, not the old goal so my goal is 10k less than this year (which we missed by 20k). It will still take work, but is more than feasible just with past givers that we missed this year. Actually it looks like next year should be overall positive for the district after this rather messy and low year.

It doesn't look like I will be home long over the holidays since we will probably be expected to be working on the 27th thru the 30th. I'm not sure where they expect kids to be found and convinced to register, but we'll at least put up a front. At least I get the 23rd off as a drive day and the 26th to return on. Oh well.

Read NOAA's forecast--it's better, just like Barry said.


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