Friday, November 25, 2005

Third Try

Not that you could see that, but this is the third time I have written a post since yesterday morning only to have two go to cyber la-la-ville after having a hyperlink inserted. Let's see if it works without one.

Happy day after Turkey Day.

So the Lions really suck. Mooch needs to go. It was shameful to watch how badly they played yesterday. Harrington actually played fine, it was the line and receivers that failed him. Garcia is a hack and a putz. You know the game is bad when you put Orlovsky in at the end of the 4th. He threw better than Garcia. A new coach needs to come in and kick-ass with this team and make them a team. The penalties weren't as bad as Sunday but still bad. How hard is it to stay on-sides, really? Shock collars should be fitted and used judiciously. Go Lions...

I'm kind of enjoying having avoided work for the last week with time left until I return to reality. I could however do without the instant winter gig. It was way too bloody cold yesterday. Fifteen degrees, yuck. At least it is supposed to be 60 on Monday, instant spring. As long as my drive back to WI is snow-less I will be happy.

So I went to my 4th professional training last week, the third in Dallas. It was not a bad course. I learned stuff and met some cool folks. I was one of the youngest and juniormost in the class, there were only 4 of us out of 23 that were under 30 and had less than six years in. There was a lot of role-playing and group breakouts for the class so we didn't have to listen to too much lecturing. We were still punchy by the last day. One cool thing was that they took us to the Dallas Stars hockey game on Friday which was fun. The other good thing was that I got to see a buddy from the first professional training. We went to see Jarhead. That was a good movie, but very coarse. Think Full Metal Jacket meets Gulf War part 1.

I was exhausted by the time I got home on Sunday, but no rest for the omnipotent. I packed and headed for MI the next morning bearing gifts of bratwurst (no joke). The drive was much better this trip. I really like the open-road tolling; 55mph through the toll booth with an I-PASS. Sweet.

Tuesday was tire-change-in-the-bloody-cold-practice day. I had the wonderful opportunity to help two different people change their tires. The first was Mike, a new Pon-Man DE, who had a sidewall blowout on the way to work. We couldn't get his spare to drop but Darrin's spare actually fit so that worked out okay. The second was walking into Kennedys' a woman sought help from Barry and I. We took care of it while her male "friend" sat in the car on the phone. Jerk. I'm glad I got the practice.

Otherwise I took time to see the CVC staff. Overall this was good, but I could have passed on a few. What are you supposed to say to folks that had a good deal to do with me realizing that I needed to leave? I stuck to platitudes and dry commentary and tact. I did take Andy to lunch to ask him to consider joining the staff in Bay-Lakes, we'll see what happens there. I don't know what they would think having another Pon-Man Eagle, Chapter Chief, EE major on staff.

Wednesday was a trip to Fenton for my Christmas present. Guns Galore is quite a store. When I go back after Christmas I will be the proud owner of a Browning Buck Mark .22LR pistol with a 6 3/4" barrel and rosewood grips. It's really quite lovely. I'm looking forward to spending quality time on the shooting range in the basement of the high school two block from where I live blasting holes in unsuspecting paper. First, though, I have to figure out what paperwork I have to do to legally take the gun home and own it so I will have to visit the police station to ask.

Have a nice weekend.


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