Monday, November 14, 2005

What's a weekend?

The big downside to this job is weekends or the lack thereof. I worked longer days this weekend than several days in the week prior. It started with 12 hours of popcorn warehouse. The next day was 8 hours of Pow-Cluster in Fond Du Lac. Sunday was more popcorn and paperwork. This was unpleasant, worse is that the month of January has a work event every weekend.

A little more whining. Popcorn blows. The ordering system here is byzantine--it took me 40 minutes to figure it out and I've done popcorn several times before. The packing slips came with the product listed by container not by the case which meant a bunch of easy math, but easy to screw up too. I can't figure out how stupid people can be that they can count their order twice and then call after getting home to say we counted wrong and in generally a rude fashion. Dumber is that we believe them and give them what they say they are missing without charging them for it. Oh yeah, none of them bothered to come help sort or distribute either so Brian and I did that on our own. Of course I expressed my opinion to the Director of Finance and will now likely be working with the council sale next year in addition to my own. Won't folks be suprised when they are held accountable. I know how the Corn-Meiser feels now.

The upside of things is that I am going out of town for a week and a half starting tomorrow night. Wednesday I catch a 6am (ick!!!) flight to Dallas for more training--this time on staff management. Sunday I return to WI and pack for going home. Monday I drive back to MI and stay until Sunday when I come back. No "work" for a week and a half and no one is giving me crap from the management team. I even get to skip the staff meeting. Weird. It will be really nice to get away. For a while I thought we had a snowball's chance at achieving something in the district this fall, but Murphy keeps rearing his ugly head. It will make next year easier I hope. A break should improve my attitude towards the rest of the year.

On another note, I went to a board meeting for the lodge here. It was strange. I would take the old Chippewa meetings any day. At least there was conversation there. This was almost silent. The officers were really young. I get the impression that the advisers have too much say in things. In fact my chapter adviser figured this out and wants me to participate in some discussions on how to change this. That will be interesting. I'm sure I can make a few red jackets heads' explode, I do well enough in my district on that count.

Enough about work. I saw Barry's questions and thought I would give them a spin:
1) If you won the jackpot, *who* would you spend the money on? (significant others excluded).
Family, I agree. How, I'm not sure. The house thing nad some investments would work for my folks, but I think an endowment would be a better plan for my siblings. That would give them stable income to do what they want from.
2) What 3 charities/organizations/causes would you donate to?
BSA (with strings attached...), Leave No Trace, National Parks Association
3) How big/low would the jackpot have to be before you decided to keep it all for yourself?
$250,000--it pays my debts and gives a nice base to invest from

On another note, who wants to be mayor? Check out the new 18-year old mayor of Hillsdale, MI. That should be interesting. He'll do better than Kwame.

A last question of the day (courtesy of Brian): Do cornrows that go down the back in multiple pony tails constitute a mullet (ala Snoop Dogg)? Check out half of the NBA players to see what we're talking about. What do you think?


Blogger xegbp said...

Hey Jake if you are passing through Chicago at Lunch time you should stop by. I am right off 94 in the loop. There are some really good cheap resturants near my office and meter parking. e-mail if your are interested.


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