Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Not 18 Anymore

Okay, so I know I am not old and sure as hell look younger than I am, but I forget occasionally that I am not 18. This last week was a great case in point. I managed to survive many weeks and weekends on 5 or 6 hours sleep with several nights where a power nap was all I got (Vigil weekend record 40 straight hours awake including classes, work and OA). As I mentioned previously, I had two events that I was chaperoning last week. The first was with a Rotary leadership seminar for high school juniors and sophmores. That night (Wednesday) was a 4 hour nap (being generous) on the hardest foam matress I can remember sleeping on. I had worked that whole day and then worked the next day as well. I got a good 8 hours on Thursday night and then had a busy day Friday ending up in Green Bay to chaperone a Den Chief training (13 yr old guys predominantly) in a Railroad Museum that was essentially a hangar full of trains with a hard concrete floor and relatively cool. Thinking ahead I brought a cot. That didn't help. It was as hard as the matress I had slept on. That was a restless 5 hour nap--maybe. I made it home alive Saturday and promptly took an hour nap. I slept well Saturday night. The kicker was Sunday. I woke up had breakfast and then sat in my recliner and didn't leave it except for necessary functions and refills for 6 hours. There was nothing left. I felt like a wuss. I think the day off in between the nights did it, but I am still recovering.

A completely different way I remembered I'm not 18 is that there have been several times lately that I would have completely lost my temper that I managed not to even though it would have been fun. I guess this crowd would know that self-righteousness is not something I suffer from so when people cross me on something I know to be right my blood pressure shoots high and I get cranky. This is why I need a good sidekick. Brian is doing his job well and has my back and frankly takes flak for me when he thinks its a good idea--not because I tell him to. I appreciate it. What has been worse lately is some not so great calls that bother my conscience (I have one and it's a guilty one) and then get called out on it. I've given up on excuses for the most part, but just taking it sucks. However, just taking it and agreeing does a wonderful job on rocking folks on their heels. That is fun to watch.

So I'm rambling now. I will work on conquering the world....go Civ.


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