Sunday, October 16, 2005


So this marks the first time I have not been in Michigan for my birthday since I moved there as a little kid. There was no fanfare and I had work to do. Oh well, 26 is not that exciting. I will take my time off next weekend to go up to the family farm for a 3-day weekend with my male relatives which should be good.

The MSU-OSU game was disappointing yesterday. I find that I am becoming a State fan (sorry Barry) strangely enough. Maybe it's the whole underdog thing? Anyways it was the coaches fault that that game was a loss. Ohio State was flat out-played especially for having that highly rated defense. Stanton didn't even seem to notice until the end. It's a shame when anything from Ohio gets the upper hand.

I missed the Lions game today--doesn't look like I missed much. From the recap it looks like the defense and Hanson did the work-again, but lost in the end. It's the Lions, I expect no better anymore, yet I still pick them every week. I can dream, can't I?

In my last post I complained about an irritating volunteer. Just when we had decided as a key leadership to fire him, he quit at roundtable. Much easier that way--less hard feelings. He seemed to be expecting me to argue the point then tried to tell me I was doomed to fail. Most specifically that I seemed to want to do it all myself. Obviously clueless. I admit to wanting to know what is going on with each project and agree with its result, but I am way too lazy to want to run them all. However, I am responsible for all of them in the district so that involvement is sensible. It will be nice to have a larger staff of reliable volunteers to work with on getting things going. Brian and I are about stretched to the limit now so it has to happen soon.

On this note, we had an event I ended up running today. It was a cub recruiting event out at Road America--a local race course--where the kids got to watch a private club race on the track, see some police and emergency vehicles and race their Pinewood cars on the nation's longest Pinewood Derby track. Funny thing on the track is that it is privately owned by a guy who hosts a Pinewood Derby party each year for about a 100 people where they race cars built to BSA spec for fun. The track itself represents over a $3,000 investment and the scoreboard is worth $30,000 but was donated.

As for the event, it was mainly my work with the support of my district chair. Today, not one of my commissioners came to help. The only reason that it even worked was that my stand-by troop here came to the rescue--again. At the rate I am going I should just join the troop and be done with it. We'll do the event again next year, but I will have to get a team assembled for it or it just won't work.

I'm looking forward to getting out of town in a few weeks. The week before Thanksgiving I will be going to Texas again for more training. This time on coaching and being a staff leader. Since I have no experience with this...oh wait. I like those kind of courses so it should be interesting. I come back from there on Sunday and will leave that Monday (before T-Day) to come home to MI for the rest of the week. Mark it on your calendar I will be seeking to visit with folks. I'm hoping for a relaxing interlude before going into the home stretch.

Talk to y'all later.


Blogger Jason M. Scott said...

I am glad that you are becoming an MSU fan, but I must warn you that it will cause just as much heartbreak if not more than the Lions will. Unless we are talking Basketball then they will bring you as much joy as the Pistons bring.


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