Sunday, January 21, 2007

Not So Slow

Things this new year haven't been so slow as I hoped to start out. So, here's some notes from the last two weeks:
  • Being sick sucks. I was sick for about about a week and a half with an on-again, off-again flu bug. It was the most TV I've watched in a long time. I really don't like commercials. I did work some, but it was definitely not my best work.
  • I've been greatly enjoying watching the syndicated broadcast of Jake 2.0 on Sci-Fi Friday. I had watched it a bit when it was originally on mostly because of the title. This time around I find that I can feel a kinship with "Jake" (short of the whole having lots of nanobots in me giving me super abilities although that would be good) particularly in the whole gawk factor around attractive women not that this has been an issue in Sheboygan as I haven't found any unattached ones of interest--no, I don't think I'm being too picky.
  • My year-end review was decent and comes with a good raise. The actual rating was good, but came with some cautionary notes. Chief among those was completing things sooner than the last minute... Success this year is the only option if I want a promotion in 2008, which I do.
  • Our annual Klondike Derby was run again without snow following a week of 40+ degree temperatures. It was however plenty cold being in the 20's. Funny enough, it snowed the following Monday and Tuesday. Go figure.
  • Did a lot of planning for this year. The first part was a series of meetings with Brian and I going through our plans for the year. This was followed by our staff planning conference this week. It was actually not too bad. We were in the Dells again at the Chula Vista Resort staying in very nice double condos. Also participating were 4 other councils from Wisconsin and Minnesota; all of which were smaller than ours. This year we actually left the conference with a plan which was my main complaint last year. We had a great presentation by one of our volunteers about connecting with our customers and keeping them. I showed during it that I cannot make a paper snowflake blindfolded. Our staff had a bit too much fun on the off hours and looked like it by Friday. Many stories will be told from this conference. After the marathon that was the conference, Brian and I went directly into a meeting that evening with our key volunteers for the last part of the planning. I spent yesterday not moving much.
  • Saw Children of Men yesterday. It was good, but a bit different than I expected and rather dark. Once again it was in a small theater with stadium seating this time. There were a total of five people in the showing.
  • The Saints lost today. This makes me sad. I really don't care much for the Bears and was put out a bit by the 39-14 finish. The Colts-Bears Bowl will be a good game, but I have no real interest in either game. I'll root for the Colts simply because I don't much care for Chicago. It is a bit funny that both teams are from the heart of the Midwest.
  • I already finished my taxes. It took all of a half an hour online today to file both state and federal through H&R Block. I end up receiving a nice refund that will go directly to paying off my remaining credit card in preparation for paying for my dental work at the end of February which will be about $1,600 for a bridge to replace a missing tooth.
I think that's good for now. Time for some Jake 2.0 from Friday.


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