Monday, November 06, 2006

Random Items from the Web via Sykes

The first is a great song by an Aussie artist, Beccy Cole, about supporting the troops overseas. The song is Poster Girl. It's kind of sad, but really good. It's nice to hear someone support the troops and mean it. I see a profound difference between supporting the troops and supporting the policies that sent them where they are. Too bad the media and many in public have trouble separating it. There are actually a bunch of good pro-soldier videos from troops and others on YouTube including 82nd Airborne, Tribute to Heroes, a Patriotic Tribute, and Fight for Me by Citizen Reign to name a few.

The next is an editorial quiz about whether or not you should vote. It's from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which is one of the most blatantly left-leaning papers I've had the opportunity to read. This article is an exception to their nuttiness. The quiz is funny, but so true.

The last is part of the Army's online recruiting effort. The new catchphrase is "Army Strong". I love the soundtrack piece, but the overall clip is well done. Eat that John Kerry.


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