Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'08 Candidate Trivia from MSNBC

Here's the link to the results of a survey of the current '08 candidates for President that asked about their "Personal Side". Favorite answer: Duncan Hunter, What is the last work of fiction you've read? "The Democrats' proposal to balance the budget." Good sarcasm, very important. I liked Huckabee's answers more than the others not that the questions asked are relevant to how I chose who to vote for but they are a nice, brief insight past their public persona.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like they've given us an appropriate test for reducing the number of candidates. I say we give them what they asked for, put them on a desert island and only those who can get back within 6 months of the election can run.

Looks like that will narrow it down to Huckabee and Tancredo - the rest will be reading or explaining to their wives why they are now stuck on a desert island. lol

Blogger elasraa said...

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