Monday, October 09, 2006

Post Round-up Stress Disorder

This whole idea of regularly updating here isn't working so well lately. I figured that once Round-up season was mostly complete that I would have more time. Not so much, at least until this week. So rather than a narrative, here's some bullets on what's been going on:
  • Popcorn: Not my favorite, but round one of the warehouse went well. My drive through system at the local tech college went well. I had the OA and the campus Welding Club as help. The club adviser phrased it as "strong backs and weak minds" for his students, jokingly of course. It was creepy how well they bonded with the OA guys. Overall good brownie points from the volunteers. Hopefully rounds two and three (returns and final orders) go as well.
  • State Senator Debate: Went to see our local state senator (an Eagle Scout and active supporter) debate his opponent. It was like clubbing baby seals. His opponent had either weak answers for the questions or just avoided the questions and the senator had solid, researched answers without using notes. My guess is that he is just there so the Democrats had someone to run in the race. They debate again next week so I might go watch for amusement. Brian and I joked about taking signs and cheering like at a football game.
  • Stupid Governor: WI also has a gubernatorial race this year between a seriously corrupt slimeball (no bias, right?) incumbent and a fairly positive US Rep from Green Bay. Every time I see or hear the governor I feel ill. Amazingly he is still even with his opponent despite having several corruption investigations going on in his administration and truly dishonest attack ads against his opponent. It is truly sickening to watch the guy try to keep his job. People like him discourage the public from getting involved.
  • Fall Fell Fast: The colors have changed quickly here. We went from green to almost peak colors in two weeks and the wind has picked up again as it does in the fall so the leaves are all falling already. It's supposed to snow on Thursday. At least I got some hiking in this weekend in the beautiful 70 degree weather. Now it's getting dark early. I can't wait until spring.
  • Siblings: My sister is on a three-month job as the stage manager for a traveling theatre group in the deep south visiting such exciting places as New Iberia, LA. Apparently it's working out okay but I can't imagine wanting to do that and I like road tripping. My brother managed to "blow up" a computer at school accidentally in an accident involving a dropped pencil. He truly is gifted.
  • Fantasy Football: I was momentarily in first place in my office fantasy league until an awful week this week where I lost to my boss (very unintended). At least I beat Brian last week. On the Pick 'em league, I did well week 1 but the other weeks not so much.
  • Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!: The world must be ending. I would never have picked the Tigers to go from tying the record number of losses to beating the Yankees in the AL Division Series in two years. If they go to the World Series I'll be sure that it's an omen. At least I can rely on the Lions to continue to suck. What other team in the NFL can so consistently pull defeat from the jaws of victory? Losing to the Vikings after being ahead by 21, what the heck?! I thought they couldn't be any worse. At least the tickets I have for later in the season are for the game against the Bears who are actually playing really good ball. I have not given up on the Lions, though, the flag still hangs in the front window. It's good to keep me humble.
Time to go watch some TV on DVR. I've got new series to keep up with (Jericho, Heroes, Friday Night Lights and the new season of Battlestar Galactica).


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