Monday, September 04, 2006

Sittin' Watchin' the Traffic Go 'Round

Who likes traffic roundabouts? Civil and highway engineers and the two old guys I saw Saturday. As I was driving through the newest roundabout in Sheboygan county on Saturday (stupid 15mph roundabout on a 55mph highway) I saw two old guys sitting in lawn chairs drinking beer on a hill watching the traffic in the roundabout and waving as people passed. It probably was amusing for them since no one here knows how they work. The traffic circle in Sheboygan is equally good entertainment.

Surf Sheboygan? The Dairyland Surf Classic was here in Sheboygan this weekend. I forgot it was going on until I drove down to the lakefront and saw a bunch of cars with surfboards on the roof parked at the beach. Sadly, the weather did not cooperate and there was no surfing here in the "Malibu of the Midwest". Who knew?

That's about the extent of the excitement here for the weekend. I took the opportunity to veg and not go anywhere far. I did some hiking, spent some time at the beach where I got a nice sunglasses burn line and read two and half novels and got more of my CD's backed up to my hard drive. I started the weekend going with Brian to see the movie "Invincible" (about Vince Papoli from the Eagles). It was really good and has a great classic rock soundtrack that I downloaded yesterday. If you like football movies, this is one to see. (Yes, I do like them oddly enough.)

I also realized that my four year anniversary of working for the BSA passed two weeks ago and I really don't have much to say about it that's worth writing. The complaints are the same and what I enjoy hasn't changed so things go on. I did send in the paperwork for the "Darth Vader" knot that is the only recognition that only a professional can earn; it annoys those volunteers who are only in it now for recognition...

Tomorrow starts the longest month of the Scouting year: Cub Scout Round-up with helpings of OA events, a camporee and the popcorn sale. Basically it means I have boy talks almost every weekday at lunch and a meeting every Monday through Thursday until the last week of September when I relocate to the tech college for a few days to work the popcorn order. I can't wait for all the fun.

If you're bored, go watch traffic...


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