Two Funerals and a Staff Meeting
This marks the second of two uninspiring weeks back to work. Last week was just the post-vacation sloth, a very typical response for me. This week just had several "special" events to make it sparkle so much more.
So, two funerals. Both were related to work (a good thing otherwise they would be family or friends and that would be really unpleasant) and I did not know either party. The first was the husband of my Cub Training chair who has been ill since before I moved here. I knew folks at the funeral and actually got a few things done while sympathizing with the volunteer. The second was for a person who had been active in Scouting here in the 60's and then moved away and became a professional in FL after retirement. I went to represent the council and profession and knew no one there. That was depressing. Equally uncomfortable is the professional uniform that I wore to both at least in the warm weather.
The staff meeting was a great item to sandwich between. It was actually only for the South Team--the ugly step-children of the council. I went with the intent of not being cynical or oppostional. That lasted about the first hour and a half and then slowly slipped away. I swear that I am not always ornery, but if you only saw me at staff meetings you might consider this to be the case. I did manage not to make the boss cranky even though I felt it my duty to challenge points I felt invalid. Meetings are a valid reason to accomplish nothing else the rest of the day.
To make life better, we went to Best Buy and Borders. I bought new component cables and audio cables so that I can wire by DVR box to the high def inputs on my TV. This made me happier. The rewiring is tomorrow's plan for the day especially since it is supposed to be too darn hot to do much outside.
BTW: Heat will kill your DVR box. Upon return from vacation I found the box frozen having not recorded 4 days of TV. It took 45 minutes to reset. Not good. I then tried to watch TV and the box decided to reset itself 20 minutes into the show. The cable guy came several days later and swapped the box out with a new one. Apparently I can't keep the box in the entertainment center or it is likely to die again so now it sits on a trunk next to the TV until I figure out what to do with it. I love poorly made technology.
Stay Cool.
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