Monday, May 08, 2006

The Joy of Freeware

I don't normally advertise on here, but I have of late adopted some useful freeware for my machines that run better than their big name counterparts:

Firefox Browser: Easier and more secure than Internet Explorer with some cool features (links bar).

PDFCreator: Creates PDF files much quicker than Adobe.

FoxIt Reader: A PDF reader that opens faster than Adobe and has more tools to go with it.

The GIMP: A somewhat complicated to install photo and imaging tool that is as useful as Photoshop with some tools that are better and it's free.

That concludes my advertising segment.


Blogger Jason M. Scott said...

WHat good is advertisment without posting links to the free stuff?

Blogger Jake said...

It's really easy:
Go there and it has a list of a bunch of useful freeware.

Now I really feel like an advertiser.


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