Good Read
I just finished reading an excellent book, Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. The book discusses in depth what it refers to as "Nature Deficit Disorder" that many of today's youth suffer from--essentially the idea that youth and families today do not spend enough time in nature.
The idea that our youth need more time outside, especially unstructured time, isn't something that should come as a surprise. Some of the surprising statistics brought up include the therapeutic effects of nature in calming ADHD youth, the increasing obesity rate despite the increase in organized sports, and the increasing distance placed between ourselves and nature.
I've commented before on my concern that families and youth do not allow themselves free time. To be constantly on the run is way too stressful to maintain long and is a big reason why so many eat less healthy as they race to eat in between activities. I greatly appreciated the idea that time outside needs to be unstructured and in less-than-manicured areas (i.e. not well-mowed grass fields).
Thinking back to elementary school I spent an awful lot of time outside in a small stand of woods next to the apartment complex we lived in building forts, catching turtles (painter turtles do bite), racing bikes and just exploring. Other times we hauled our GI Joes across the length of the complex with elaborate battles spread throughout. That was fun and allowed us to be creative and let our imagination run free. When I hit middle school, I was still outside with Scouts at least one weekend a month on campouts that had some structured activity but also allowed us to explore the land, learn to appreciate it and how to live with it. This experience more than anything built an appreciation for nature that can't be learned in a classroom, from TV or online.
Louv proposes, and I agree, that our schools and families need to take our youth outside and let them experience it for what it is. This experience will build a more robust conservation mindset in our youth than any program the Sierra Club and it ilk can produce. The idea that we are responsible for our environment and need to live within it can only come from experiencing it.
The later portion of the book describes a number of alternatives to move forward in getting our youth back into nature. Some of the ideas are more than a little idealistic including a goal of mass de-urbanization. The idea of creating more natural parks in our cities and suburbs and integrating natural education and experiences into the school curriculum are much more likely. The hardest part will be changing the mindset that many seem stuck in with the need to be busy in everything.
One of the really good chapters discussed the growing relationship between the faith communities of our country and the conservation/environmental movement. God placed man on Earth giving him dominion over all on, but also a duty to replenish it. What a perfect statement of the modern conservation movement as expressed best by many sportsman's organizations. I, as many, also find nature to be the place where I feel closest to our creator. How can one not be amazed at the beauty of nature and the stars in the night sky and not think of the majesty created? I found one quote particularly interesting: "Science is the human endeavor in which we are frequently reminded how wrong we can be. (If scientists rely only on reason, then) our work has no meaning. It needs to be placed in some spiritual context."
Overall, this book is a great read and certainly gives food for thought for any parent, educator or anyone involved in working with youth. For the Scouting movement, it really is a great rallying cry to get back to our roots in the outdoors in our programs even as we adapt them to serve a diversifying population. Take the time and read it.
I've recently gotten back into reading blogs since I have the time (this last part is not true) and am thinking about writing one myself. I fear it will turn out like a journal that is destined for death shortly after its conception.
The reason for my comment is to suggest another book that seems as though it would be up your alley. Robert Putnam's Bowling Alone. I haven't finished it and probably won't have the time to for awhile, but the parts I miss are those where the political scientist suggests ways to fix what's wrong -- parts that I feel are best left out of these books since they can't really speak with any proper authority on the matter anyway.
If you haven't read it, it deals with civic participation and the falloff we seem to have had in the time since 1950. The story may not be as bad as he makes it sound if one considers that it may not be a fair assessment to expect constant upward growth of participation in association(s) starting at the most civic-minded moment in American History. However, I think he manages to point out several interesting points/trends. He makes the claim that this is mostly a generational fallout, meaning that this generation is worse off than previous generations at the same stage of life. A large amount of the death of social capital organizations (church youth groups, boy scouts, bridge clubs, masons, etc.) seems to be directly attributable to television.
I think I will leave it at that for now. It's a good read, and it takes a lot for that to be the case with a book that is premised on statistical analysis.
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